Product Updates | September 2024

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We are proud to present significant updates in the latest edition of Classter, with major improvements in Session Management and Attendance. These enhancements streamline how sessions are handled, with new options for managing status, classroom bookings, and attendance tracking. Stay tuned for even more efficient processes and better support for educational institutions worldwide! 

Important General Improvements  

Hungarian- New Language: Classter now supports Hungarian, expanding its language options to better serve educational institutions that use it. This update enhances communication and system interaction for Hungarian-speaking users, ensuring a smoother experience.  

Update to Existing Functionality Per Feature and User Type 

General UX Improvements 

Bulk Email and Initial Verification for All User Types: (as a new bulk in admission and user account lists) We have introduced Verify Email and Initial Verification as bulk actions for all user types. This enhancement allows for easier management of users by automating entity creation for those not yet connected and verifying emails for users with existing entities. The functionality applies to all admission types (applicants, relatives, agents) and user accounts, excluding administrators.  

Multi-Period Role Copy Enhancement: We have improved the Copy to Period feature for roles by introducing multi-select functionality, allowing users to copy roles to multiple periods at once. Additionally, the option to copy roles is now available directly from the list’s row actions for quicker access and ease of use. 

Online Payments Import Process: We are enhancing our online payments import process from Excel by allowing student matching using both student codes and Global Registration Numbers (GRNs). Additionally, you will now be able to save your import settings as templates. 


Improvements in Student Form and Views 

Copying Grids: Employees can now distribute their custom grid layouts to others using the Copy Button, sharing with specific users or roles. A new “Manage List Layouts” action in the teacher list provides a sortable, searchable table to efficiently manage grid layouts, including details like Actions, List, Teacher, Date, and Created By.

Students Per Subject (Grid): Use Advanced Filtering to find students based on the number of subjects they have failed or are retaking. 

New Bulk Actions: Allow the update of subject pricing category or the change of educational programs for selected students.  

Students per Certifications List: This feature includes a new student list view option and a dropdown, with a privilege enabled by default for secretaries and admins. It offers comprehensive filters for Location (i.e., Department, School, Institute), Grade (i.e., Year/Program), Status, Certification details, and Advanced options like Certification dates and Subjects. Additionally, it includes new view types and actions for updating certification status, deletions (with proper privileges), and bulk action capabilities for efficient certification management.  

New Property on Academic Periods: The “Accounting Closing” property in the Academic Period Form, when disabled, restricts users from modifying Arrangements and Transaction Data.  

New privilege: The “Allow edit of transaction documents” privilege has been introduced for Admin and Secretary roles. Without this privilege, users cannot edit or delete transaction details. 

Improvements to Mass Update of Students: The mass update for students includes all optional fields from the “Create Students” option, updating Mother and Father details, with educational program updates excluded. Additionally, a new import option, “Update Educational Programs,” allows updates to active custom educational fields. A bulk editing feature, “Edit Custom Fields,” has also been introduced, enabling simple updates to these fields based on their type. 

Educational Program Management Improvements  

Auto-Enroll Subjects for K12 Students: A new option has been introduced for K12 schools that allows subjects to be automatically enrolled for all students in a group when added. This simplifies the enrollment process, ensuring that students are seamlessly linked to new subjects based on their group and grade level, enhancing efficiency in managing subject assignments.  

Services Auto-Enroll Configuration: Automatic enrollment of services is now enabled based on student registration statuses. When students change their educational programs, services are assigned automatically to match the new programs predefined services. 

Teacher Form and Management  

Compare Hours (Teachers’ list): The Compare Difference in Hours feature allows users to easily spot discrepancies between a teacher’s Timetable, Enrolled, and Contract hours. By selecting any two categories to compare, the system highlights teachers with differing hours, helping to ensure alignment between their schedule, contract, and actual enrollment. Null values are treated as zero, making it easier to identify and resolve inconsistencies in workload management. 

Teacher per Timetable Entries: A new switch allows users to display all teachers, including those with zero hours in their timetable. The feature includes location filtering based on user role, and a toggle option to show teachers without a timetable.  

Teacher Search by External Code: You can now search for teachers by their external code in both the Teacher List (Free Text) and Quick Search options, making it easier to find teachers efficiently. 

Teacher Timetable Overview: This allows users to view a teacher’s schedule by Timetable Periods or Calendar View, based on settings. Accessible in the Teacher List or Teacher Quick Search.  

Timetable Tiles Dashboard- New Link Icons: Icons are added to teacher session tiles for direct access to daily evaluation, attendance, and homework entry.  

Personal Cards (QR Cards)  

Capture Image Button: This new feature allows for the quick capture of images for students, teachers, relatives, or employees with just a single click. By enabling the device’s camera, it lets you take photos instantly, which are then saved directly to the file storage. 

Dynamic Document Display Based on Dropdown Selections: A new workflow configuration allows specific documents to be shown or remain hidden depending on user choices. This setup involves defining rules for each category, specifying which documents appear for certain dropdown options.  


Annual Results & Certifications 

GPA Calculation for Forced Entries: In the College module, a new option will allow users to calculate GPA for forced entries (manual grades) during the annual results process. If enabled, a checkbox will appear to include these forced entries in the GPA calculation.  


Assessment Review Process: This update introduces a new workflow status process, allowing supervisors to review assessments before sending them for mark review. Supervisors can now select specific students for mark review, giving them greater control over the approval process. 

Files in Assessment Scheduling: The Assessment Scheduling grid now supports column customization, including new “{Students} Files” and “{Teacher} Files” columns that show icons if files are available for download. Advanced filters now allow sorting by the presence of teacher or student files. 

Assignment Submission Confirmation Message to Students: A new setting allows administrators to select a notification template to be sent to students when they submit an assignment. If configured, an email confirmation will be automatically sent to students upon submission. 

Final Mark Submission for Rejected Assessments: This update allows a third employee to submit a final mark for rejected assessments. It introduces settings for mark approval based on differences and adds options for staff to manage assessment marks based on assessment status. 

Marking Retakes: Students who fail a subject can take multiple retake exams in future marking periods labeled as “Retakes.” They will be automatically enrolled in these periods if they fail, and a cap can be applied to their marks unless they are granted extraordinary circumstances (EC), which allows the cap to be removed. New settings enable better management of retake periods, capping, and the assignment of additional ECs, improving how failed subjects and retake assessments are handled across academic periods. 


Attendance Analysis Per Week & Calendar View: The Student, Parent, and Teacher Portals now include two new attendance tabs: “Weekly Analysis” and “Calendar View.” These tabs offer detailed weekly breakdowns and calendar views of attendance. Additionally, the Group Statistics section has been updated with these tabs, allowing for group-level attendance tracking and analysis. 

Splitting Attendance for Multi-Period Sessions: This update allows educators to take attendance separately for each timetable period in a session. It adds a new setting to enable this feature, adjusts dropdowns, grids, and calendars, and updates mobile API support to handle split attendance entries per timetable period. 

Weekly attendance form enhancements: The weekly attendance form has been enhanced with a day/week switch for more flexibility, allowing users to select specific days or entire weeks. Unsaved absent entries now show an exclamation mark for clarity. Timetable slots can be filtered, and the number of absences is editable, similar to subject attendance. 

Attendance Time Limitations: A new feature adds time limits for teachers’ attendance submissions, allowing them to submit only within a certain time before and after a session starts. Sessions outside this time will be grayed out and cannot be selected. 

Fast absence: The new fast attendance submission method allows teachers to record absences for multiple students at once. It ensures students have the same attendance type, timetable, or subjects before submission. Supported modes include Daily, Timetable Hour, and Subjects, but Sessions are not included. 

Session Management  

Classroom Booking: Teachers now have a “Classroom Bookings” menu under Calendar and Timetable, while the secretaries’ and admins’ menu has been moved under Calendar. This view includes a “View Per {Teacher}” switch for staff. Session entries now allow various actions (e.g., New Session, Change Status/Date, etc.) and are color-coded to indicate session status (only for Staff roles). This update also introduces a “Classroom Bookings” tab in Settings, enabling quick creation of sessions and events for back-office employees. Additionally, a multiselect option has been added for the location dropdown, along with a new “Timetable” view. 

Session workflow Status Management: The session dashboard has been updated with new buttons for starting, stopping, or canceling sessions. Additional privileges give teachers and back-office employees more control over session management, including editing. Users are also granted the ability to manage the session status based on a series of permissions. The management of statuses is automated through various processes, either triggered by actions or through direct actions via the session dashboard and session list. 

Session’s Reason Change Log: The ability to maintain reasons associated with the session in cases of status changes, date changes, teacher substitution etc.  

Substitute Teacher message: This feature allows sending a message to the newly assigned substitute teacher when configuring or changing a session’s teacher, using a “Send Message” checkbox. If the checkbox is selected, the system sends a message only to the substitute teacher for each session. 

New Filters and Views: The session list now includes filters based on time periods and additional visual indicators for session status (e.g., canceled sessions shown in red). Advanced filters have been introduced for {Location}, {Building}, {Grade}, and {Stream}. A Visibility filter, also, allows users to sort sessions by Draft, Public, or All statuses, to ensure that only sessions marked as Public are visible to students and parents across dashboards, calendars, and session lists. 

Bulk Actions: Editing a classroom will be enabled, except if the session is locked, completed, or connected to an online meeting. New bulk actions for substituting teachers across multiple sessions have been introduced.  

Mass Export: A new “Export ALL” button will be added to the Session List for bulk exporting data. 

Calendar Colors: Group colors can be used in calendar slots for clearer visual distinction. 

Classroom Availability: Real-time availability information is provided to prevent scheduling conflicts and optimize space utilization. A Classroom icon is added as a selection field in the Session Creation Form and the Weekly Session Management interface, displaying availability information. A “Classroom Availability” button checks for potential overlaps in suggested slots returned by the timetable, with conflicts highlighted in red. Mass import actions include a “Classroom Availability” button for sessions being created in bulk. Overlaps will be indicated with icons and tooltips. 

Customizable Session Titles: Dynamic session titles can now be configured based on selected fields, ensuring consistency across all interfaces. 

Session Links: Users now have the option to automatically create or update session links by selecting between: Custom Link and Auto-Create, which will delete all existing links and recreate new ones based on updated configurations. 

New Columns for Hours/Minutes: New columns are added next to the “Time” column displaying hours and minutes. 


Financial Module Improvements 

Payer Selection for Refund Transactions: For refund transactions, the system will automatically suggest a payer based on the original transaction. If the same payer is found, they are pre-selected; otherwise, the default payer is suggested. The selection remains editable for user adjustments. 

Transaction list filters: There are three new filters: Transactions Location, which filters transaction series by location, showing only relevant entries; Payer’s Country, which adjusts billing per payer’s country; and Student’s Location (Cheque List), which filters cheques based on the student’s location, ensuring only cheques from relevant students are shown.  

Payer’s Relationship Type filter: This filter is added below the existing payer filter in advanced filters on Transaction list. This filter allows users to search by the payer’s relationship type, such as parent or guardian, using general categories like the arrangement list.  

Unconnected Receipts: The system allows unconnected receipts to be issued for students not in the current period, including through online payments and mass imports. This includes adjustments to location filtering, handling default locations, and prioritizing payment methods. Validation for period status is removed in mass imports, allowing future payments to be addressed as unconnected.  

New Filters in Financial Overview: New filters, including Grade, Stream, Subject, and Service, will be added to the Installments & Arrangements tab in the Financial Overview. These filters will only show arrangements with billing enabled and display only the relevant financial data for the selected entities.  

New Filters in Mass Billing: New filters in mass billing include Arrangement Filters like Grade, Stream, Service, Subject, and Group, allowing multiselect functionality. Additionally, Special Filters help track students transferred to or from different periods, with options to filter by period and status.  


User & Admission Signup 

Auto Log-in After Sign-up: A new setting enables auto-login for applicants after completing the signup process. When activated, users provide a password during signup, and the system logs them in immediately, bypassing the need for email verification.  

Uploading photos: When students upload a profile photo, either in “My Profile” or during the admission/reregistration process, they will now have the option to take the photo directly using their device’s camera.  

Gender Field Required in Sign-up: The gender field is mandatory during the sign-up process, like names and emails, ensuring it is always filled out if visible. If the gender field is hidden, no validation will be applied.  

Admission Portal 

Parent/Guardian Application for Existing Students: This feature allows parents or guardians to apply for existing students, with options to include or exclude registered students. It also enables the management of additional applications if multiple application mode is enabled. The “Application Management” menu and UI improvements streamline admissions for both single and multiple application modes, offering more control and flexibility in managing student applications.  

Personal Data Settings Update: A new setting allows users to choose which personal data (e.g., Photo, Username, Email) is visible on the applicants’ dashboard. The existing “Photo” option is replaced with “Personal Data.” If the “Hide Elements” setting includes “Personal Data,” the entire section will be hidden from the admission portal.  

Admission/Reregistration Process 

Custom Fields and Zones/Sections in Admission and Reregistration Forms: Settings now allow enabling or disabling custom fields like “Zone/Section” and indications (1/2) for different user types in admission and reregistration forms. These settings ensure required fields are validated during submission and applied across all processes, with visibility controlling whether fields appear and trigger validation. 

Predefined relatives in Re-registration: Students re-registering could be required to provide predefined relatives, similar to the admission process. If they skip this step, they must select “I don’t want to add.” If configured as required, the system will validate this when the re-registration form is submitted, ensuring the relative is either added or skipped as specified.  

Application Lists 

Student Category Filter: A new Student Category filter has been added to the advanced filters in Application Management. This multiselect feature allows users to filter students by their active categories. If no categories are selected, the filter remains inactive.

Agent Portal 

Custom Fields for Agents: We are introducing custom fields for the Agents contact type, like those available for other contact types like Companies. These new fields will be enabled in the Agents form, allowing for more customized data management and flexibility when working with agent contacts.  

Agents Column in Grids: A new Agents column has been added to student-related grids, showing the names of agents connected to students. This column will only appear when relevant and can be included in exports for easy reference.  

New recipient type: A new recipient type has been added to bulk actions, enabling users to send messages (email, internal message, SMS) to students’ agents directly. 

CRM & Messaging 

General Improvements: The CRM Manage Entries grid now features server-side paging for improved performance, enabling large data exports and clickable names in the Refers To and Creator columns for employees. This allows quick access to relevant details via pop-ups or new tabs. These updates are exclusive to the Employee Portal.  

Dynamic Signatures in PDF Templates: In signature templates, you can now enable the dynamic addition of signatures to the final document. This option is visible only in the Classter system and ensures that when the final signatory signs, all previous signatures are automatically added to the document in sequence. After the signatures are added, the process continues as usual.  

Signatory-Specific Page Display: When enabled, the new setting in Classter’s PDF viewer scans reports for signatory tags, showing only relevant pages to each signatory while hiding others. Pages without tags are visible to all signatories, and full reports are still sent to students. This feature applies only to the internal Classter system and is centrally managed. 


Bus Exception Notifications: Bus exception notifications now support SMS alongside IM, with options to save without notifying or manually send notifications for multiple exceptions. Relatives can be added as recipients, and users can configure notifications to be sent via Email or SMS, with updated templates for both. 

HR Management 

Employment Contracts and Protocol: There are several updates and additions to fields such as Contract Signed Date and Extra Annual Bonus, as well as improvements in contract numbering and visibility settings. Contracts can now auto-generate numbers based on a predefined format, and new protocol entries will be created when contracts are initiated. Furthermore, enhancements to contract allocation allow for flexible start and end dates, with automatic calculation of the number of weeks for each allocation. Institutes can also decide where employment data will be displayed, whether in the teacher form or employment contract tabs or both. 

Check-In/Out Process: A system for tracking the physical presence of teachers, which can be automatically updated through various processes such as sessions, events, CRM, assessments, etc., or manually by back-end employees. This tool can be used to monitor a teacher’s working hours and support payroll processes by providing a clear view of attendance and time. 


Sync Classter Events with MS Teams and MS Rooms: When a meeting, session, or event in Classter synchronizes with MS Teams and a room is selected, the meeting will automatically connect with the corresponding MS Room from the mapped list. 

Interconnection with POS: The new feature enables POS payments through the “Viva POS” gateway for Android or iOS devices. Additionally, it ensures a seamless process where the payment is confirmed through the POS first, and only then is the receipt automatically generated. 

Mobile App 

We are excited to introduce the new and improved Classter mobile app, designed with the latest UI/UX standards to offer you a smoother and more intuitive experience. Here is what is new: 

  • Smarter Academic Management: Enjoy enhanced tools for Homework, Assessments, Attendance, Timetables, and Calendars, making it easier to stay on top of your academic life. 
  • Seamless Communication: Updated designs for Messages and Central Announcements make staying connected easier than ever. 
  • Effortless Consent & Payments: Simplified interfaces for managing Consents and Payment Barcodes
  • Plan Ahead: With Attendance Intentions, students can now notify the school about absences in advance. 
  • Quick Access: Improved navigation for viewing Educators and Subjects

These updates bring a fresh new look and better functionality to your Classter experience! 

Free Resources

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