Product Updates | February 2025

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Classter is always looking for innovative ways to improve the user experience, and we’re excited to bring you our latest updates!

This release focuses on making school operations smoother, from smarter data management and automation to more flexibility for admins, teachers, and students. We’ve added better filtering, bulk actions, and customizable settings across multiple modules—so whether you’re handling admissions, finances, or timetables, everything feels easier and more intuitive.

Let’s dive into what’s new!

General UX Improvements

District Lists Enhancements: Renamed “Institutes” filter (now includes inactive institutes), bulk export to Excel, and a column chooser. Teachers list includes a hidden-by-default Status column with a new Status filter.


Phone Input Validation: Institutes can enable validation to ensure phone numbers meet country-specific rules.

Copy Address from Student: Quick-copy button for transferring student address details to a relative’s form.

Slave User Account Editing: Users can now update a slave account’s username (individually) or profile name (applies to all linked accounts).

Educational Program Management

Default Values for Educational Program Properties: Auto-selects default values in Indication1, Indication2, Zone, Section, and custom dropdowns during program creation.

K12 Subject Status Automation: Automates subject status assignment based on program indicators.

Disable Options for New Assignments: Restricts select values in properties like Grade Type while keeping them in filters and records.

Drop-Off Indicator: Identifies at-risk students based on attendance/performance, configurable via permissions and bulk actions.

Disable Re-Registration: Restricts students from re-enrolling while preserving records, adjustable via settings and permissions.

Default Filtering for Program Selection: Ensures Indicator1 selections only show valid related dropdown options.

Bulk Edit Subjects: Adds Payment Method & Pricing Categories options, with audit logging and alerts for changes.

NQF Fields for Subjects & Grades: New National Qualifications Framework fields under the Advanced tab in Grades.

Custom Properties in Registration History: Logs/displayed custom properties in School Registration History, with a column chooser.

Consent & Admission Management

File Preview Enhancement: Allows direct preview of PDFs/images from Admissions and Consents without downloading.



Student/Parent Portal Enhancements: Adds configurable filters, Absences/Total totals, and visibility settings.

Session Management

Teacher Booking Filters: Shows only relevant teachers in selected buildings; hides past time slots by default.


Financial Module Improvements:

Arrangement Plan Selection Rights: Locks arrangement plan selection unless role permissions allow changes.

Restrict Discount Removal: Users can add/edit discounts but not remove them.

Custom Installment Flag: Marks installments for reporting, configurable by role.

New Arrangement Plan Properties: Adds structured rules for prepayments, installment dates, and financial year validation.


User & Admission Signup

SEN & Medical Fields in Admissions: SEN & Medical comments/recommendations now available in admissions screens.

Advanced Validation for Applications: Ensures proper program selection before submission using custom validation rules.

Admission/Re-registration Process

Back-Office Re-Registration & Signature Request: Allows staff to impersonate student re-registration and request e-signatures.

Timetable Zone Restrictions: Limits zones available for admission based on active settings.

Default Values for Admission Fields: Configurable default values for dropdowns, text, date, and checkboxes.

Online Enrollment

Stream Indicator per Curriculum Subject: Configurable stream selection for curriculum subjects in online enrollment.

Application Management

Multi-Academic Period View: New application management list displays applications from multiple periods with filters.

CRM & Messaging

External Signature System Configuration: Users can predefine external signature systems (Legalsign, Docusign, Classter) per recipient.

Exclude Signatories from Signed Documents: Allows selective exclusion of signatories from receiving final signed documents.

Other Minor Modifications

Bulk Edit Pricing Category: Enables batch updates for students with “None” as their pricing category.

Mobile Features

Teacher Attendance Category Selection: Teachers can choose an absence category based on attendance type.

Timetable Hour Selection: Allows only start/end times for sessions; system calculates periods in between.

Teacher Session Management: Teachers can edit sessions, add comments, and enable Supervisor Mode for attendance tracking.

Attendance Module Enhancements: Adds filters, absence history, medical/transport info, and timetable improvements.

Expanded Subject Links in Mobile: My Subjects now supports Moodle, Teams, Brightspace, and WordPress links.

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