Classter App for Teachers
Get started by logging on using Office 365 credentials.
Follow the web wizard to set up class, timetables, to upload student data and create unique online profiles.
After all data has been uploaded, a teacher has an overall view of their weekly timetable. To start a new class session, simply tap on the “Launch Session” button.
Once the session launches, a teacher is able to see all students in that classroom seated according to the layout originally set, could add delayed entries or absences and mark a student’s performance by adding badges, or giving a thumbs up or thumbs down. Classter App for Teachers.

Classter App for Teachers will soon be available on iOS and Android. Classter App for Teachers.
Through the web dashboard, teachers are provided with extended organizational and management functionalities.
By logging on using Office 365 credentials, a teacher has instant access to their personal Office 365 email, Calendar and OneDrive.
When tapping on the “Classes” button, a teacher can view all their students listed by class and get a high-level preview of their personal performance and behavior data.