We are happy to announce that Classter has developed a new integration with Turnitin, a web-based plagiarism prevention system used by numerous higher education organizations worldwide. Turnitin checks writing for citation mistakes or inappropriate copying, comparing it to text in its massive database of student work, websites, books, articles, etc.

How does it work?
A Turnitin assignment is set up by a lecturer, either through the institution’s online learning environment or directly on Turnitin’s own website. Students access this assignment online and upload their work before the due date. Turnitin will then analyze the submitted work to identify text matches with other sources.
For each piece of submitted work, Turnitin provides a similarity index, which indicates the percentage of the submitted paper that Turnitin has identified as being matched against other sources, and an originality report, which shows each of these matches in more detail, including the sources that Turnitin has found.
In a nutshell
- Acts as a deterrent against plagiarism.
- Provides reports which can help identify occurrences of plagiarism.
- Offers students a tool to identify and correct possible occurrences of plagiarism in their own work and improve their academic writing.
Classter has identified the need to ensure the integrity of education and the improvement of learning outcomes, thus it has extended its wide range of integrations with Turnitin. In this way, Classter enables students to improve their academic results and lecturers to receive genuine work.