Annual Press Release

Kavala, Greece, January 22, 2019.

High growth results for

the leading cloud Student Information & Learning Management System, a high growth ed-tech startup, has more than doubled its revenue for 2018. Growth was driven by new school and university enrollments in Malta, Germany, UK, Canada, China and the USA. Classter is currently used by over 200 educational institutions worldwide, with over 300000 active students, parents and teachers on the platform.

A major achievement in 2018 for Classter was the award of a 900,000 € contract at Malta’s College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), that will add more than 10000 higher education students and 500 lecturers to the platform. The solution will support all operations, including admission, learning, finance and central administration for 10 higher education institutes, including vocational schools, colleges and universities, all running on Microsoft Cloud platform.

Nikos Nikou, the CEO and founder of Classter, stated: “2018 has been a very successful year for the Classter team. In 2019, we will keep investing heavily in cloud, mobile and A.I. technologies to make Classter the fastest growing cloud platform for managing any type of school or academy worldwide. We are very optimistic that we are on the right track. We thank our customers, business partners and staff for this success.”

About, is a venture-backed, end-to-end student information, school & learning management platform on the cloud. Classter invests in Adaptive Learning and A.I. technologies to support any type of academic institution and any type of academic system.

To learn more about Classter, visit


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