12 Unknown Online Admission Software Features That Will Make your Life Easier

Managing the full admission process manually can cause intensive headaches, but as you might know, admissions are the lifeline of any educational institution. Nowadays, many educational institutions are abandoning the traditional data processing method and are replacing it with online admission software. Technology has infiltrated every aspect of the educational industry, and admissions are no exception. The admissions process is no longer as straightforward as it once was, it has grown into a much-complicated procedure that compromises several tasks, a substantial number of data handling, and a significant amount of human time and effort. However, the secret to smooth and effective enrollment at the begging of every academic year rests in the characteristics that all admissions systems should provide. In this post, we will go through 12 features that make the admission process easier from start to end.

Admission Software

The importance of Admission Software

To begin with, admission software solutions significantly decrease the usage of paper plus the extensive organization required by the administrators. It fills gaps that would have been left by the traditional manual methods. Admission platforms are reliable systems in terms of security, accuracy, storage, and payments, and they assist both administrators and students.

Online Admissions offers you a systematic flow and a simplified process, while it also offers each student a unique and tailored approach that focuses on their preferences. It makes admissions officers’ lives easier by tracking each prospective student’s progress, automating basic procedures, and generating useful admission insights that are accessible at any time.

On the other hand, institutions take every opportunity to attract students for an initial visit to their campus. Nevertheless, with the rise of technology, candidates can utilize the internet to seek institutions that meet their needs. In these cases, school admission software is one of the most effective ways to attract potential students from around the world.

1. Tuition Fees Calculation and Collection

As it is known, the last step to complete a registration form is the calculation and payment of the tuition fees. In the past, the candidate student had to attend the admissions office to complete the aforementioned actions in person. However, during the procedure of registration through the online admission platform, the student can easily choose the educational program of her/his choice as well as additional services such as transportation, or/and library, etc. As the system is preconfigured, prices of each course and service are updated and can be calculated automatically before displaying the final cost to the student.

2. Automated e-mail workflows  

Admission processes at educational institutions are ideal for the adoption of automated workflows since they can direct prospective students to the intended end destination, which is applying to your institution. Once prospects show interest, they will begin getting relevant e-mails, offering them the opportunity to get to know your institution better while slowly creating a connection. Workflows also assist the school’s administration by providing them all the information on how candidates are responding, or in case they have applied, in which stage their applications are, whether they are valid or not, and which are pending, resulting in a significant time and complexity decrease.

3. Customizability   

Many times, different terminology is used among educational institutions, depending on e.g., level, culture etc. That is the main reason customization should be available with an integrated admission software. That suggests administrators will be able to fully modify registration forms to ensure that only relevant information is required from the applicants.

4.  User and mobile-friendly interface  

Today’s youths are digital natives and are fully familiar with the technology. The truth is that they spend a lot of time on their mobile phones, either searching for information or just surfing the internet. That is why it is extremely important to provide candidates with a website that is easily navigable, user-friendly, and responsive on mobile devices. What an admission software does is offer applicants a fully guided pathway through the process they need to follow in order to complete their application easily from their mobile device. They are also given the option to find any information related to registration or resolve questions directly while navigating the app.

5. Admission Portal

One of the biggest advantages provided by admission software is personalized portals for the applicant students. Candidates can log in the admission portal using their details, thereby an account is created automatically, and then they can continue with the registration process. The portals benefit both students and admission officers. Firstly, students can access their profile and get an update of their application status at any time, as well as upload any type of file or document that might be necessary. Secondly, administrators can easily track and manage the progress and stage of each application while having statistical insights, all from a single dashboard.

6. In-app Messaging 

Admission platforms often include an in-app messaging function that allows candidates to engage even more with the institute using contextual and timely messages through the app. It is intended to assist and guide the candidate through different stages of the admission process. In-app messages provide students with more detailed instructions on how to complete the procedure by allowing them to express their inquiries. Students can be instantly notified about updates and announcements, and even share important feedback about their admission experience.

7. Entrance Exams 

Most educational organizations aim to implement a sophisticated examination system, this could easily be managed with admission software. Candidates that have submitted their application and fulfilled the passing criteria can proceed to the next, and final stage of acceptance, which is the entrance examination. Institutes can adopt an advanced level of exams system that enables admission officers to readily pick students based on specific academic qualifications.

8. Multiple applications 

A percentage of prospective students are likely to be interested in more than one educational program. An admission software caters to such desires easily and effortlessly. The registration process stays the same except when the candidate reaches the selection point, he/she has to select the additional educational program of his choice, simply with just a click. Moreover, they can conveniently prioritize the programs according to their preferences through their personalized portal and even though applications can be many, each application to a program keeps its own specifications, such as financial, as well as the required consent.

9. Intakes management

Depending on the institute’s structure, an admission software can support multiple admission intakes. Furthermore, rather than recreating a closed intake, you may always reopen it for every academic year, while the platform retains historical data for the number of applications from past years.

10. Notifications

No applicant student is left uninformed about the status of their application, and at the same time, admission officers do not have to spend extra time on applications that are still pending.  The platform automatically notifies applicants about any problems that may occur with their applications, files that may be missing, or deadlines.

11. Interviews arrangement   

Once the application period has ended, the evaluation phase begins. In addition to assisting you in carefully evaluating each application, admission management platforms also allow you to schedule an interview with any potential student. Chosen candidates do not have to attend to the institution since the interview can be performed online through the platform using the proper integration (e.g., MS Teams, Zoom). All the information is directly sent to the candidate via customized emails, SMS, or other means preferred.

12. Financial records

Creating a financial statement for all registrations can be a time-consuming and demanding task. It requires institutions to account for overdue payments, net withdrawals,  total fees collected, invoices, and more. When there are a large number of students at a small institution, this becomes extremely difficult to calculate and leaves room for errors. An admission software streamlines the entire process by automatically creating a statement that includes all the necessary information.

Wrap up

The strenuous admission season stays in the past as online admissions are going to be the new norm for educational institutions. Attracting prospects on time is no longer an active barrier as the education industry evolves digitally. Admission software is an essential and valuable tool that streamlines the school administration process end-to-end and helps administrators to save both time and cost. We have highlighted major features that you should consider before selecting which one fits best for you.


Can admission software automate e-mail workflows for prospective students?

Yes, admission software can automate e-mail workflows, sending relevant information to prospective students at each stage of the admission process. This saves time for administrators and keeps applicants informed.

How does in-app messaging help in the admission process?

In-app messaging allows candidates to engage with the institution, receive instructions, and stay informed about updates and announcements, facilitating communication throughout the admission process.

How does online admission software handle multiple applications from prospective students?

Online admission software caters to candidates interested in more than one educational program, allowing them to apply easily and prioritize their preferences through personalized portals.

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