The Evolution of EdTech by 2030: What we Should Expect

EdTech (Education technology) is already part of our lives when it comes to learning. Ιt’s difficult to find a part of our lives that technology hasn’t influenced fundamentally. Educational technology is here for facilitating learning and improving academic performance.

Education as a field has been massively and positively influenced by technology. And this influence will be even greater by 2030 according to researchers.

The influence of technology on education

Research by the World Economic Forum estimates that 65% of children entering primary school will find themselves in occupations that today do not exist. Technology has influenced how businesses are operating. Anyone nowadays can learn to code and therefore create his/her own website or even his/her own business.

There are, also, many online libraries that assist teachers and students with comprehensive reading material. Teachers and lecturers are also given the opportunity to post their teaching material online for their students to study. With the current rate of growth in the technology sector, future educational technology is likely to advance the quality of education or even the ways we teach and learn.

Edtech in 2023

The digital transformation

Digital transformation of many educational functions will happen incredibly fast. This transformation can be managed in-house or by outsourcing it to third-party service providers with expertise in specific industries. It’s already a fact that many educational organizations are adopting cloud-based technologies for marketing and recruiting, as the competition for attracting the best students is increasing. Multi-channel admissions experiences, where prospective students can interact not only by phone and email but also via social networks, video chat, and other similar technologies, will soon be the norm.

Also, alumni relations will quickly be adopting modern communication tools to improve alumni engagement. Finally, as the number of on-campus students possibly decreases, other critical functions such as college counselling, career services, and tech support will all be moving to a primarily digital delivery system.

The future of technology in education is about adapting to the fast-changing world, giving students an opportunity to choose their own way of learning, combining theory and practice, always considering the current demand on the job market.

Education technology in 2030

Educators, EdTech entrepreneurs, as well as people actively involved in education, are trying to make realistic scenarios on what is the future of education technology. All this by taking into consideration the investments that are being made into education and the fact that the global expenditure on education is projected to reach 10 trillion dollars by 2030.

We can claim that education will be the most important asset for people and their governments in the future. As global population grows, the education market and its complexity are massively growing too. New skills are entering the picture and as automation is prominent in our every-day lives, kids may be trained for jobs that do not exist right now.

In addition, the number of students will be greatly increased with the major driving forces being Africa and Asia, continents that today have a great number of kids who still do not have access to education.

The five scenarios for education technology in 2030

Based on the report published by HolonIQ, there are five major scenarios of how the education technology landscape could evolve:

Education-as-Usual: This is the scenario that represents education as it is today. Institutions are the main source of education and education technology contribution is present but not a major issue.

Regional Rising: Regional cooperation is the act of enhancing relationships through regional rules and institutions in the same state or region. Regional integration has the objective of better cooperation for political and economic purposes.

Global Giants: With the internet playing such a prominent role in our lives nowadays, globalization barriers have been removed when it comes to education technology. And this outcome will be even more prominent in the future. Personalized experiences in education will be created and global giants and multinational companies will most likely invest in education and educational technology.

Peer-to-Peer: Online learning will be the new norm. The peer-to-peer economy will dominate the way we live, work and learn. Smartphone ownership shapes learning delivery and students will be able to, literally, carry their learning experience in their pockets. Distributed ledger technology underpins the peer to peer economy and supports skills verification.

Robo revolution: The advancement of artificial intelligence technology will impact global economic growth by 2030. AI applications and algorithms will replace humans in repetitive tasks and teaching will be assisted by technology. At the same time, new jobs will be hopefully created in order to create and upgrade AI algorithms.

EdTech in 2030

Technology in 2030 will play a critical role in education as well as in tech learning processes. It will be focused on information processing, decision making as well as learning. It will help students have a more comprehensive learning experience.

AI and Robotics: The future of employment

The percentage of jobs requiring AI skills has grown four times since 2013, by 2030 all industries will use AI and robotics especially in the field of marketing and sales. Customer service is a big user of AI technology such as chatbots, product selection and customer classification/routing. That means that traditional jobs in these fields, such as customer service, may disappear.

Mobile-only users will shape learning models

Mobile devices are already a big part of our lives and this connectivity will certainly shape how learning happens in the classroom. By 2030 half the world’s youth will live in countries with a mobile-first internet connection. Face to face learning will probably be the old way of learning and thus new ways of transferring knowledge through mobile devices will be adopted by teachers and institutions.

 Learning Management Systems in the future

Learning Management Systems (LMS) dominate online environments in every field of education. However, newer technologies with a focus on interaction rather than file management will take over in the future. But, the most important thing is that the learning management system objective is and will stay the same: to make sure everyone in the education field is working towards a better future and all this with the help of technology. Educational technology is not only a simple upgrade into the educational world but a key to better collaboration in education and thus a better future for us and our children.

The Future

The world of education is likely to constantly change and develop in a rapid way over the next few years, not just in the application of new technologies but also when it comes to learning. Educational institutions must not only focus on their day to day operations but also shape their vision on how they will better use technology for enhancing the learning process.


What are the key trends in education technology by 2030?

By 2030, education technology is expected to evolve in several key scenarios, including regional cooperation, global integration, peer-to-peer learning, and the adoption of AI and robotics. These trends will revolutionize how education is delivered and accessed worldwide.

How can my institution prepare for the future of EdTech?

Educational institutions can prepare for the future of EdTech by investing in infrastructure, training educators on new technologies, fostering collaboration with EdTech companies, and adapting their curriculum to incorporate digital learning tools.

Can Classter help my institutions adapt to the changing landscape of education technology?

Yes, Classter is designed to adapt to the evolving needs of educational institutions and the changing landscape of education technology. It offers scalable solutions that can grow with the institution, as well as integration capabilities with other EdTech tools to ensure compatibility and interoperability.

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